Ramanathapuram Farmers Producer Company Limited (RFPCL) has emerged as a pivotal institution in the agricultural landscape of Ramanathapuram District.
Founded on September 25, 2015, RFPCL was established in response to the growing need for a structured and supportive organization dedicated to the welfare of farmers in the Ramanathapuram region. The company was initiated by SEEDS and funded by NABARD, positioning it as a crucial resource institution for local farmers.
From its inception, RFPCL has focused on addressing the myriad challenges faced by local farmers. These challenges range from access to quality inputs and modern farming techniques to market linkage and financial support. By providing these essential services and resources, RFPCL aims to enhance the productivity and profitability of farming in the region, ensuring a sustainable and prosperous future for the agricultural community in Ramanathapuram.

Ramanathapuram Farmers Producer Company Limited (RFPCL) has emerged as a pivotal institution in the agricultural landscape of Ramanathapuram District.
Founded on September 25, 2015, RFPCL was established in response to the growing need for a structured and supportive organization dedicated to the welfare of farmers in the Ramanathapuram region. The company was initiated by SEEDS and funded by NABARD, positioning it as a crucial resource institution for local farmers.
From its inception, RFPCL has focused on addressing the myriad challenges faced by local farmers. These challenges range from access to quality inputs and modern farming techniques to market linkage and financial support. By providing these essential services and resources, RFPCL aims to enhance the productivity and profitability of farming in the region, ensuring a sustainable and prosperous future for the agricultural community in Ramanathapuram.


Farm Gate Procurement services designed to simplify the process of selling produce directly from the farm, ensuring farmers receive fair prices and timely payments
- Direct Purchase
- Prompt Payments
- Storage Solutions
- Market Linkages

Our goal is to ensure that farmers have access to the best resources to boost their productivity and achieve sustainable growth.
- Seeds
- Fertilizers
- Pesticides
- Machinery & Equipment

Market Access & Linkages
RFPCL connects farmers directly to markets, ensuring fair pricing and reducing dependency on intermediaries.
- Direct Market Connections
- Collective Marketing and Sales
- Price Negotiation & Fair Pricing
- Export Opportunities

We provide financial literacy and management training to help farmers optimize their resources and achieve financial security in agriculture
- Microfinance and Loans
- Subsidies & Grants Assistance
- Financial Literacy & Management
- Insurance Services

We aim to preserve the quality of produce, reduce losses, and enhance market value for farmers.
- Value Addition
- Processing & Packaging
- Marketing
- Storage Solutions

Our expert advisory services to support farmers in making informed decisions and optimizing their agricultural practices
- Agronomy Advice
- Farm Planning & Management
- Best Practices Methods
- Environmental Assessments

Our collaborative efforts aim to drive innovation, enhance agricultural practices, and foster sustainable development in the farming community.
- Collaborations with RI
- Networking with NGOs
- Associate with Government Bodies
- Public-Private Partnerships

We equip farmers with essential knowledge in modern farming techniques and BOD meetings, Farmers group trainings, Exposure Industrial Visits
- BODs Meeting
- Sustainable Agriculture Practices
- Crop Management Strategies
- Pest and Disease Control
Year - 2022
* FIG / JLG formation with      farmers
* Registration of FPO
* Participatory Learning    Meet (PALM)
* Involving all the BoDs &    lead farmers in Business    planning exercises
* Building a dedicated &    Professional staff team
Year - 2023
* Action Plan–expenditure    & yield
* Training to farmers on   GAP & Livelihood support
* Linking farmers with    Insurence
* Procurement of 60%.    farmers produce
* Linking working capital       support
* Apply for equity grant
Year - 2024
* Establishing value    addition unit
* Packing, Branding &    Marketing
* Ensuring the quality of    the Produce
* Home products kit    supply
* Procurement of 60%    farmers produce
Year - 2025
* Integrated Pest    management
* Procurement of 100%
  farmer produce
* E-marketing of Produce
* High Turn over & profit
Year - 2026
* Farmers will be given
* The FPCs will be
   financially viable &
Government Institutions

Private Institutions

Government Institutions

Private Institutions